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Sunday, November 11, 2018

Veteran's Day 2018

 November 11th is Veteran's Day in the USA and Armistice Day in other countries. 

I proudly have the 1st Armored Division on my right sleeve.

Me with Honorable Son #2.

Younger me on my Bradley "Audacity" with the 1st Armored Division.

My brother Shawn and his lovely bride Mary.
My lovely bride and my sister-in-law Allison (a retired Colonel who is still my favorite Blackhawk pilot!).

My brother Brian.

My Dad.  He was "Doc" to the Marines during 2 tours in Vietnam.

 My father-in-law Jim who as a 19 year old 1st Lieutenant flying B-17 bombers with the 8th Air Force in 1944 and ended the war as a captain.  

My grandfather Sylvester was a Gunner's Mate on a destroyer in the US Navy during World War II. My grandfather Mike served as a civilian civil engineer during World War II building railroads in Persia. My Great Uncle Jack (Professor Emeritus at Princeton) served with the OSS in World War II and I still have his Sykes Fairbairn knife. My Uncle Gus who served in the Army as a Vietnamese language intelligence specialist and my Uncle Glenn who served in the US Navy.