When playing miniature battles, it is easier to move the figures is they are mounted on bases - makes it easier to avoid knocking them over also! When I first started painting and gaming, I would just paint the bases green. Later I graduated to putting flocking on the bases and then using sand that was painted and adding rocks and bushes. Now I use a resin - pumice mix that is easy to apply and paint; in addition, it looks pretty realistic. The figure on the left has had the paste applied and it takes about 1 hour to dry. You can see how it also covers the "stand" of the figure. When I can't get supplies I want on eBay, I purchase from The War Store. Neal Caputo runs the store, good prices and fast shipping at http://thewarstore.com/
After the putty is dry, I paint it with GW's Scorched Brown. I then wet brush it with Bestial Brown followed by a dry brushing with Bone White. Once dry, I use watered down white glue in spots and add hobby static grass while wet. The edges have been painted with Graveyard Earth.
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