As I mentioned earlier, Honorable Son #2 and myself fought a battle from the Late Roman period in the West prior to the start of his freshman year in college (Roll Tide!).
The fictional scenario pits a Roman Army led by the Visigothic King Alaric (Honorable Son #2) seeking more honors from a weak emperor against another Roman Army led by the "Last of the Romans" Flavius Aetius (yours truly). It had been awhile since we played an Ancient's Battle and we worth both a bit rusty; but it turned into an epic conflict that would resonate down through history. We played the battle using the 1st Edition of Warhammer Ancients Battle and the supplement Fall of the West.
First the Army of Alaric:
1. Alaric with warhorse and throwing spear, Army General, Save 4+. 162 points. Special rules: Alaric is famous for his astonishing escapes. If Alaric and his unit flees, then they always move 18". If Alaric loses his last wound (he has 3) roll a D6. On a 2+ Alaric is removed from the battlefield but yields on half Victory points to his opponent.
2. Alaric's Bucellarii (11 Bodyguard cavalry). Led by Alaric, standard, throwing spear, mounted, Save 4+. 435 points. Special Rules: If Alaric is removed from the battlefield, the unit shares his fate but only yields half Victory Points.
3. Totila Hummus, Army Standard Bearer. Warhorse, throwing spear, Save 4+. 75 points. 4. Regii Seniores (16 Veteran armored Roman Infantry). Leader, standard, musician, drilled, shield wall, heavy throwing spear, Save 4+. 409 points.
5. Secunda Britannica (16 Roman Infantry). Leader, standard, musician, javelins, heavy throwing spear, Save 5+. 255 points.
6. Visigoths (38 hairy figures). Leader, standard, musician, warband, mixed weapons, Save 6+. 228 points.
7. Visigoth Archers (15 figures). Warband, Light Infantry, bows. No Save.
8. Sagittarii Clibarnarii (6 Heavy Roman Shock Cavalry). Leader, standard, musician, drilled, bow, Save 3+ (missile weapons)/2+ melee. 156 points.
9. Promoti Iuniores (6 Roman Light Cavalry). Leader, musician, light cavalry, javelins. 94 points.
10. Framio (Alaric's drinking buddy and right hand man). Warhorse, throwing spear, Save 4+. 122 points.
11. Gennadius (Senior Roman Officer). Drilled, Stubborn. Save 5+. 110 points.
12. Lurkio (Alaric's wife's second cousin's sisters son . . . or maybe just another drinking buddy). Throwing spear, Save 5+. 54 points.
Total Points: 2190.
And now the Army that's holding up the Honor of Rome:
1. Flavius Aetius with barded warhorse. Army General, Drilled, Stubborn. Save 2+. 155 points.
Special Rules: Aetius chooses whether his army has the first turn or not. Aetius and his Hun bucellarii ride the finest horses and can ignore the -1 movement penalty for barding.
2. Aetius' Noble Hun Bucellarii (7 bodyguard cavalry). Led by Aetius, standard, musician, Drilled, Stubborn, ride barded horses. 290 points.
3. Maritus, Army Standard bearer. Drilled, Stubborn. 72 points.
4. Lanciarii Gallicani (16 Veteran armored Roman Infantry). Leader, standard, musician, drilled, shield wall, heavy throwing spear, Save 4+. 409 points.
5. Mattiaci Seniores (16 Roman Infantry). Leader, standard, musician, javelins, heavy throwing spear, Save 5+. 255 points.
6. Frankish Warband (32 figures not as hairy as the Visigoths). Warband, leader, standard, musician, heavy throwing spear, Save 6+. 256 points.
7. Slingers (12 figures). Light infantry, warband, slings, Save 6+. 60 points.
8. Huns (8 mounted, don't leave home without them). Light cavalry, nomad cavalry, leader, standard, lassoes, bows, Save 5+. 202 points.
9. Barbarian Light Cavalry (8 figures). Light Cavalry, leader, standard, musician, javelins, Save 5+. 112 points.
10. Equites Armigeri (6 elite shock cavalry). Leader, standard, musician, throwing spear, drilled, Save 4+. 156 points.
11. Lycianus Maximus (Mounted Senior Roman Officer). Drilled, Stubborn, Save 4+. 125 points.
12. Maritus Salvius (Senior Roman Officer). Drilled, Stubborn, heavy armor. Save 4+. 117 points.
13. Odiscus (Frankish War leader). Heavy throwing spear, Save 4+. 122 points.
Total Points: 2210.
Next - The scenario and the opening moves.
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