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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Maharajah's Elephant from Wargames Foundry

I really like Wargames Foundry figures even if they are a bit on the pricey end of the scale. Several years ago I picked up the Maharajah's Elephant on eBay and I have recently fixed it up and based it for the various Colonial games I will be playing.

It is definitely a hefty figure in metal but was easy to assemble as I was patient for a change with my super glue.  Admittedly I did not put a lot of effort in painting the Maharajah and the Mahout but I did spend time trying to get the color just right for the elephant.

The elephant itself is beautifully sculpted and well worth the effort in painting.  The decorative features on the elephant really make it stand out on the table.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

IHMN: Ranjit Singh Redux or makeover or . . . yeah, I repainted him

While working on my Sikh units I repainted and re-based one of my favorite figures for In Her Majesty's Name

Here is the game profile for Ranjit Singh when I use him in In Her Majesty's Name:

Pluck: 3+
Fighting Value: +3
Shooting Value: +3
Speed: 0
Talents: Leadership +2, Engineer, Fanatic, Iron will, Gunslinger
Basic Equipment: Pistols, Pulwar (military sword), Brigadine
Points: 61

 The first time I painted the figure but I did not like the slotta base that came with it.

 Old paint job with Teddy Roosevelt and friends.

Ranjit Singh, Lady Rachel and Colonel Armstrong

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Colonel Dugald Armstrong, VC, DSO

Colonel Dugald Armstrong, VC, DSO is the father of Coira Armstrong, adventuress and all around good gal who seems to always be in the wrong place at the right time.  Colonel Armstrong has served long and loyally in India and the surrounding area always at the tip of the spear where the British Empire needs him most.  An infantry soldier by profession he has served in numerous British and Indian regiments including the Gordon Highlanders, the Seaforth Highlanders, The Iron Duke's Own Rifles,  the 14th Sikhs and the 15th Sikhs.  He is currently on "shooting" leave after putting down the rebellion of the notorious Khoda Khan but has been spotted in the area of the Punjab.  Russian and Chinese sources believe that he is preparing for an expedition to Chitral.

 Colonel Armstrong and his daughter Coira.

The figure I used for the fictional Colonel Armstrong is from Artizan Designs and is included in the blister pack NWF0010 - British Officer Afghan War.  I thought he looks particular distinguished wearing his Poshteen and blue army service trousers.  Coira is from the Copplestone Castings Back of Beyond range and is included in BC19 Female Archeologists. The Colonel will make a fine addition to In Her Majesty's Name and will also be featured on the dining room table when I start to play The Men Who Would be Kings.

Colonel Armstrong is known to go on patrol with his forces and occasionally other "visits" on behalf of the Viceroy:

Pluck: 3+
Fighting Value: +2
Shooting Value: +3
Speed: 0
Talents: Leadership +3, Inspirational, Fanatic, Fearless, Meticulous Planning
Basic Equipment: SRC breastplate, pistol and sword
Cost: 79 points

 Colonel Armstrong, Coira and Ranjit Singh on the left accompanied by men of the 14th Sikhs.

One of the finest officers in the Empire.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Sikh Infantry Unit

I have finished my Sikh Infantry unit that will be part of my Indian Army for both In Her Majesty's Name and The Men Who Would be Kings.  By the way you can pre-order The Men Who Would be Kings on Amazon and it will be delivered in the United States on September 22.

The figures are all from Artizan Designs' Second Afghan War range.  The Sikhs are from packs NWF 0105 - Sikh Infantry Advancing Afghan War and NWF0106 - Sikh Infantry Advancing II. Each blister pack comes with 4 random variants.  The British Officer is from pack NWF0010 - British Officers Afghan War which also includes 4 figures.

 I thought by using the British officer wearing the Poshteen and painting his puttees blue would have him stand out from the men he commands.

Regular infantry for The Men Who Would be Kings are 12 figures strong and as you can see are based individually which allows easy casualty removal.  In addition they be used for skirmish style games like In Her Majesty's Name.

Above is a size comparison of showing the Indian Army HMG from Copplestone Castings Back of Beyond range with Artizan Designs. They match perfectly for compatibility.

 A close-up of the Maxim MG from Copplestone with the Artizan Designs infantry protecting their left flank.

My completed forces so far include the Maxim MG, the infantry and the mountain gun which is also from Artizan Designs.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Space Marine / Epic 40K: The Imperial Guard

The Imperial Guard's motto:  If we did not take 90% casualties we weren't trying hard enough. No infantry in this force, just tanks and artillery and all kinds of armored vehicles. If I need infantry I would use the Space Marines.