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Monday, July 8, 2024

Second Quarter Update for 2024: Plan, what plan?

I have had to radically change my painting plan do to the "Year of Travel." I've actually have put together a decent travel painting kit that needs to be updated as I shift focus to another project. I can't use my "normal technique" of bouncing back and forth due to space limitations for figures and paints, so I'm focusing on one unit or project at a time. Here is the recap at the midway point of 2024: 

Last known photograph of Charlie.

1. The Search for Charlie. During "Operation Big Move" last year Charlie disappeared. Sam, his partner, suspects foul play. Little does Sam know that his life will change - and possibly his quest will have world shattering effects.


     a. Pulp Campaign: Hard boiled detectives, dangerous dames, returning heroes, menacing mechanical monstrosities, Nazis, The Canine Corps of Justice, unnatural science experiments, ancient and mythical beings, and evil geniuses eliminating the competition so they can take over the world! Globetrotting Adventure! What more could you want? [The campaign will probably be postponed to the end of the year.]

     b. Sam needs a car; he is tired of walking.
        [The model has been purchased.]

     c. Figures that have been painted.

        1). The new Shadow from Pulp Figures. The actual sculpt is not new, but I have painted the figure again.

“Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!"

    2). The Woman in Red from Pulp Figures.

    3). Financing the search by making a "movie"; figures from Pulp Figures (are we starting to see a pattern?). I love this set! [I'm reading the free down load rules for Pulp Alley! and a director figure is very important!]

     4). Hollywood Nazis! (Yep, Pulp Figures).

    5). A "Pulp" era Joker and crew from Pulp Figures.

    6). If you are going to have a Pulp Joker, you have to have The Batman. A Heroclix conve

[Holy base swap out! Yep, I swapped out a new base this quarter]

    7). The Movember Men. Each November Bob Murch of Pulp Figures sculpts a special figure to promote Men's Health that he will provide for any donation to the link on the Pulp Figures website. Past figures are still available and these gentlemen may show up in the search!

    8). Mysterious Additions: [I finished the Canine Corps of Justice this quarter. Woof!]

"Gott im Himmel! Vere did the little weiner hundt go?

"Hey hombre! Do you have an extra smoke?

The Canine Corps of Justice.

"Hmmm . . .What do I know of cultured ways, the gilt, the craft and the lie?
I, who was born in a naked land and bred in the open sky.
The subtle tongue, the sophist guile, they fail when the weapons sing;
Rush in and die, dogs - I am a beagle barbarian and one day I will be a king."

The Nazi never stood a chance.

    d. Scenery and terrain need to be made. (TOP SECRET).

        [A slight pause on this and I'm going to cheat with a new product I discovered so there is no rush.]

2. The Northwest Frontier Uprising of 1897-1898.

"Death to the Infidels and hopefully he's a slow painter."

The tribes are ready. The Indian army is on the frontier - but they need reinforcements:

    a. One British (Anglo) infantry unit. Figures arrived!
    b. One Gurkha unit. Figures arrived!
    c. One Sikh infantry unit. Figures arrived!
    d. One British (Anglo) mountain gun. Figures arrived!
    e. Tribal Cavalry if @#%& Wargames Atlantic ever releases their hard plastic Afghan Tribal Cavalry. Wargames Atlantic surprised me and the box is now out. Need to order. [Have to check with the Ministry of Finance.]

[The Indian army will be my major focus in the 3rd Quarter.]

f. Major General Pavel Ivanovich Mishchenko of the Imperial Russian Army wants to know when his Cavalry Brigade will show up for the ongoing Anglo-Russian War. I don't think this is going to happen this year. [I know for a fact it's not going to happen this year!]

"When will the Trans-Baikal Cossack Brigade get here?"

3. The German Division in The Peninsular War. I plan on using WoFun Miniatures: Hesse-Darmstadt, Baden, the Dutch, minor German States and maybe some Poles just for fun.  I have the figures but need to organize. [Yep I have the figures . . . but will I have the time? Not a high priority.]

Confederation of the Rhine Battalion Number 3 (Frankfurt).

4. One Hour Wargames. Easy to learn and always a tactical challenge. One Hour Wargames is one of my favorite set of rules and I haven't played it in years. I used it to teach a history class for several years but I donated all of the armies I had to the school. I think it's time to play again - the big question is which period. My tired brain will have to ponder.

And the winner is: The English Civil War for OHW. [I have the figures, maybe the 4th quarter.]

5. New Discovery: The Unmatched Series of games. I like the trend of hybrid miniature board games and the Unmatched games have some great figures for the game and very useful for the table top. I have finished Houdini and I am working on 13 more figures before I shift over to the Indian Army:

"Nazi scum! No one can keep Harry Houdini imprisoned!"

Future posts to come but here is a preview:

Doctor Jill Trent from Unmatched: Tales to Amaze" compared to Sam who is a 28mm Copplestone Castings figure.

Annie Christmas, all 7 feet of her from Unmatched: Tales to Amaze.

Also from Unmatched: Tales to Amaze . . . but you can probably guess who this is!

Doctor Trent, Science Detective wants you to have a great 3rd Quarter with the hobby!


  1. Outstanding work, so fun to read! Looking forward to the additions to the Indian Army ( of course! ) and also all the rest. I had no idea Mr. Murch did that every year, what a cool idea.

  2. Super review of your many varied and interesting project, loads of lovely miniatures on show!
