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Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Afghan Tribal Force Update #4: The first Irregular Infantry Unit is Complete

Here is my first force of Irregular Infantry for the game The Men Who Would be Kings (Paid Link) which I attempted to paint as Pashtuns from the Afridi tribe. The Afridi's are noted as wearing black and blue garments; put from contemporary photos, illustrations and diaries, this is not a hard and fast rule. The team photo also gives you an idea of the variety of combinations that are possible with the hard plastic box Afghan Tribal Infantry (Paid Link) from Perry Miniatures.

Next: Who's going to start the Uprising of '97? Time to convert a figure.


  1. They do look very nice Neil....looking forward to seeing what sort of demented rabble rouser you come up with to cause the Great Game to kick off!

    1. Well I was looking in a drawer where I store figures for In Her Majesty's name and spotted one and thought . . . hmmm. Perfect. Post will be published Friday.

  2. These Pathans look good! Reminds me that I could use more of these, myself.

    1. Jonathan,
      I am really pleased with the way they are turning out. One unit down, four to go!
