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Thursday, July 20, 2023

My Favorite Terrain Piece

Back in ancient times of lore, when Warhammer was Warhammer, the 4th edition of the boxed game came with two card stock terrain pieces; a cottage and a stone tower. I still have both of them and the cottage has probably been in more of my tabletop battles than any other piece of terrain.

The classic Warhammer cottage.

Lord of the Rings battle.

Continental Firing line to the side of the cottage.

Another LOTR battle. 

Prince Rupert leads the War Poodle's own Regiment of Foot during the English Civil War. 

Green Regiment of the London Trained Bands. 

Action in the Peninsular.

World War II British Paratroopers.

The Wild West. 

 The Doctor and Sherlock Holmes.

Colonial Action. 

Lord Essex.


  1. That cottage has soldiered on in large and small actions, deserved its own name.

  2. Its funny I have tons of buildings in my collection but tend to use the same small selection all the time.

    1. I know exactly what you mean. When I moved recently I thought to myself, when was the last time I used this?

  3. I have some very similar to that one from the Blood bath at Orcs' Drift supplement for Warhammer 2nd Edition and I'm still using them. I think they were drawn by Dave Andrews.

    1. My hat is off to Dave Andrews. I have had that building since 1993.

  4. Nice to have a favourite piece of terrain that you can use in a variety of different settings!

    1. It definitely makes life (and gaming) easier!

  5. I also still have a lot of old Warhammer cardboard buildings from the 80s and early 90s, and I still use them. VEry versatile for a lot of different periods and settings.

  6. I also still have a lot of cardboard Warhammer buildings from the 80s and early 90s, and I still use them. Very versatile, and they can be used for a lot of different periods and settings.
