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Sunday, October 25, 2020

The Egyptian Adventure starts in North Piddle (snicker)?: Part 2 (Episode 1.2)

Recap from Part 1: Selim, the reis of the Emerson Digs is bring some mysterious papers from Dr. Ahmed Kamal Bey from the excavation site at Dara. He gets distracted by Kevin O'Connell, reporter for The Daily Yell, gets distracted, and they both end up on the train to North Piddle (snicker). Unknown to them, the criminal gang leader Bertha with her bandits have been hired to kidnap Selim and leave no witnesses. Fortunately for Selim and O'Connell, Inspector Hopkins, from a previous encounter, recognizes her while in the countryside around North Piddle (snicker). In a fortunate set of circumstances, Inspector Hopkins' mentor, Mr. Sherlock Holmes, along with the loyal Dr. Watson, happen to be visiting Hopkins in North Piddle (snicker). The North Piddle (snicker) Constabulary rushes off to the rescue and both parties face off in the center of the ruins of the Nightengale Mansion with poor Selim and O'Connell trapped in the middle. With both sides in position, a single shot starts the action and mayhem!

 Inspector Hopkins steps out from cover and with deadly accuracy takes out one of the bandits covering the open area. The  response from the bandits is numerous misfires and "clicks" as they pull their triggers (Yep, never have so many "1's" been thrown in one turn - to include Holmes!).

In confusion from the lack of PMCS (Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services) on all of the fire arms, Dr. Watson grabs Selim and rushes to cover.

"Get him!" yells Bertha as the sword master obeys and heads off in pursuit and makes contact with Selim.
The contables move to protect Selim and Dr. Watson as Bertha leaps into the fray.
With the courtyard clear, and dodging bullets, Inspector Hopkins sees his opportunity to take Kevin O'Connell into protective custody.

'Ello Inspector! Would you care to comment about all the gunfire and bullets ricocheting off the walls?
Holmes uses is Meticulous Planning Talent to move the sheikh to an area where he cannot fire his rifle at a target.
One constable is left out in the open with predictable results at close range.
They got me. Tell my sweet girl arrgghh . . . 
With one mighty "WHACK" of the all electric English truncheon, Bertha is rendered unconscious by the electricity that has stunned her body and is taken out of the caper.
The gruesome big ugly swings his mighty two-handed scimiter to avenge his mistress . . . well it wasn't pretty what he did to the Sergeant.
Horrified to see their Sergeant fall, the other constables beat the swordsman to a bloody pulp and knock him down.
One of the bandits sneaks around to take a shot at Dr. Watson but is intercepted by Constable Horace Smith who blows his whistle in the ear of the bandit which completely discombobulates him.

The mighty swordsman leaps to his feet in another attempt to either capture Selim . . . or take his head and whatever else he may be carrying.
Watson and Selim successfully escape from the crazed swordsman and rush through the ruins.
Meanwhile, the world's greatest detective puts himself in harms way as he covers the backs of the constables as they deal with the swordsman and giving time for Dr. Watson and Selim to escape.
"This way O'Connell."
Holmes bravely holds his ground amongst the gunfire.

After 5 turns, the Bandits have lost their leader and a bandit while the North Piddle (snicker) Constabulary has lost two constables.
Come on boys! Mob him. The swordsman is now out permanently.
"O'Connell will you just shut up and follow me. Those men want to kill you!"
Watson and Selim make it to the bridge.
"Good job lads. Now let's take care of this one."
Seeing how things are going, the Sheik hesitates to order the men to advance . . . 
. . . but there is one target in the open.
VOLLEY FIRE! Holmes goes down in a hail of bullets.
Now both primary leaders are out of the game! (For this scenario we took away Dr. Watson's Leadership Talent since Inspector Hopkins was also in play)
Selim and Watson safely cross Piddle (snicker) Brook.
Meanwhile, Inspector Hopkins gets Kevin O'Connell to safety despite the constant barrage of questions for the story he is going to post for the next edition of  The Daily Yell.
Having failed in their task, the bandits carry off their stunned leader.
"Will he live Doctor? It was the bravest thing I ever saw, covering our backs so we could do our duty. And him a civilian and all."
EPILOGE ONE: "The fools (BWAH HAH HAH!). My plans are working out perfectly."

 This was a simple variation of the second scenario from the In Her Majesty's Name (Paid Link) rule book: Bring him back Alive. Selim was the VIP and we made O'Connell a minor VIP (kill all the witnesses!) Here is the VP breakdown:

1. 20 VPs if Selim is rescued or captured and removed from the board.

2. 10 VPs if Selim is taken out of the game while in enemy hands.

3.  3 VPs if O'Connell is taken into protective custody.

4. 5 VPs if O'Connel is taken out of the game.

5. 5 VPs per enemy leader taken out of the game.

6. 2 VPs per enemy figure taken out of the game.

The North Piddle (snicker) Constabulary: 30 VPs

Bertha and the Bandits: 9 VPs

An overwhelming win for the men of The North Piddle (snicker) Constabulary. Both sides had good plans that were executed nicely; and then the horrendus shooting of the Bandits. Have you ever seen four "1's" and one "2" rolled in one turn? Oh well. With hindsight my opponent thought he should have had more men involved in fighting. A great and fun game. Now will the Egyptian Adventure go?


"Good Gad Peabody! Do you realize what this is? In the wrong hands . . ."
To be continued . . .

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