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Saturday, April 2, 2022

WoFun Miniatures: Baden Center Companies, 4th Regiment

Yep. When you order the "add on packs" in 18mm you get twice the number of troops.

As I mentioned previously, I'm doing General of Division Jean-Francois, Baron Leval's German Division to best of my ability. As I am still doing my research, I'll go into the history in a later blog once I am finished doing my research. Two battalions of the Baden Infantry Regiment Gross-Herzog Number 4 were in the 1st Brigade (so says one source, I'll discuss uniform nand Order of Battle discrepancies later) and WoFun has the 4th Regiment as they appeared at the Battle of Talavera. And yes, I will make the bases "pretty" eventually!

Truth in advertising! What you see above is the Baden Center companies with the exception of the mounted officer. You can purchased the flank companies along with the Nassau grenadiers here: Baden Flank Companies and Nassau Grenadiers. The mounted officer is from the Mounted French Officers pack (future post) and the figure I chose is close enough at gaming distance for a senior Baden Officer.

The figures wear the Bavarian style black leather helmet, called the "kasket" which was worn at the time of the Battle of Talavera. They would later switch to the French shako.

The Baden units at the Battle of Talavera.

I added an dismounted officer from the British and Allied Officers pack for more variety which looks great at gaming distance.  I'm going to repaint the sash. As I type this I noticed that the 3 figures in the front rank on the right hand side have the green epaulettes of a flank light company.

My sources that I have seen have the drummer in a blue jacket so I'll repaint it later before I do the bases.

From my initial research the 4th Regiment had white facings but there may have been troops from another unit that had red facings. Maybe battalion distinctions?

A homework assignment! Now I need to research the flank companies!

Well, back to research and working the bases. More to come!


  1. More goody goodness from Wofun, thanks for posting. I am fighting the urge to buy several armies but by the end of summer I will have caved in😁.


  2. These are very nice! The army of Baden is a special interest of mine, and you'll find much information about it on my blog, using the "Baden" label:

    As far as the regiment sent to Spain:

    "The army of 1809 was assembled rather hastily, with the Regiments being enlarged absorbing men from the Garrison regiments as well as the introduction of conscription. To make things more confusing, one regiment was sent to Spain, but was composed of 2 battalions, each from a different parent regiment (#'s 3 [deep red facings] and 4 [white facings]) and thus each with a different facing color but nominally (? re-) numbered as #4.

    This probably messed up the original correspondence between the flags of the regiments and their facing colors as well. In an act of historical defiance, my own regiemnts carry the flags logically corresponding to their facing colors. :-)


    1. Peter,
      You have solved the mystery of the red facings and saved me from a home work assignment!
      You weren't kidding when you said Baden was a special interest. I've gone through three of your posts and look forward to reading the others. Thanks again!

  3. You're welcome; by far the best source I've seen on the army of Baden is the book by Rawkins cited in one of my posts. Unfortunately unavailable at the moment given Mr. Rawkins unfortunate demise last year.
