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Monday, September 2, 2024

Unmatched Cobble and Fog: The Invisible Man

What a great figure!

BWAH HAH HAH! Just kidding. Here is the actual figure (and how did I miss filing down the flash on his hat?)

How can you defend what you cannot see? A glint of metal amidst the gloom - but it's too late. A surprise attack before he slips away again into the rolling fog.

I love what the team that produces "Unmatched" have done with the Invisible Man. Instead of the usual wrapped bandages or the plastic see-through figure, they have sculpted a figure that looks like he is ready for action as the . . . well, the Invisible Man.

I decided to try a different, lighter color scheme for this figure. In the game "Unmatched: Cobble and Fog", the Invisible Man can deploy fog tokens on the movement spaces. To match the tokens, I went with greys and white - and I think I pulled off a unique figure (I'm not too humble).

Planning his next move.

As always, the figures from the "Unmatched" series are 28mm hard plastic.


  1. Another nice addition to the collection, Neil - I did have the same thought as yourself initially - how hard can it be to paint an "invisible" figure. LOL!

  2. Definitely a smashing figure. The Invisible Man brings back memories
