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Monday, January 31, 2011

New Exclusive Cards for Dog Fight Starship Edition

Some great new cards from Michael Fox and Fox Games for Dog Fight Starship Edition:

Two new legendary cards have been added to the exclusive mail-in list. These are Shine Spark and Partial Charge.

"Shine Spark" is the second Legendary card released exclusively for the U.S.P.V. Inferno. The Inferno has a low attack power in comparison to other capital ships it is likely to encounter. It was one of the first vessels humans made specifically for off-world combat.

Due to its low offensive capabilities, the "Raging Inferno Blast" (available only in Deluxe Set 2) was devised by USP design engineers to take advantage of the ship's numerous armaments posted around the forward hull section. This, although helpful, was unfortunately still not enough to deal with other tactics utilized by enemy heavy ships.

But the Inferno has one feature its contenders lack: a massive power core capable of powering two heavy combat vessels of its size. Thus, the "Shine Spark" was developed to fully utilize the ship's energy flow to totally overwhelm any opponent.

A team of two F.A.S. capital ships experienced the first combat demonstration of the Shine Spark's full capability in 2094. After witnessing the obliteration of an Intrepid class, the captain of the second ship coined the notable warning of the Inferno: "Old, yes. Weak, no." That ship's communications went silent soon after the first. There is rumored to be video of the Shine Spark in its final testing phases, but none has been recovered of its action in combat.

The next legendary card released was created for the F.A.S. Intrepid. The first legendary card created for the Intrepid class was "Colossus Cannon" (available only in Deluxe Set 1). The Colossus Cannon is a fierce weapon but takes an unusual amount of time to fully charge. This delay proved catastrophic in combat since it signalled to enemy vessels to move in quickly before the cannon can release its deadly discharge.

Recently, after his captain was killed in combat, the first officer of one of the Intrepids attempted to fire the ship's main cannon before it was fully charged. The enemy ship was closing in before the imminet blast but was caught by surprise when a less powerful, but still devastating blow was launched by the cannon long before expected. It is now called the Amadi maneuver, after the nickname given to the innovative young captain by his greatful crew. If you learn the Intrepid approaching is captained by Amadi, know that death approaches with him.

see the full exclusive main-in list here

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