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Monday, August 12, 2024

Hard Plastic Perry British Colonial Soldiers for Afghanistan and the Sudan

Here is the box I painted showing the variety of figures that can be done with the VLW 1 British Infantry in Afghanistan and Sudan 1877-85 plastic figures from Perry Miniatures.  There is enough infantry to make 3 British/Imperial units for the rule set The Men Who Would be Kings.

I did not do my "usual" painting style as I wanted to do them quickly;  but,  I like the finished product as it gives a good Toy Soldier vibe. I purposely painted each unit differently: (look at contemporary photographs as this is not unusual due to supply, slight differences between regiments, etc.

I (carefully!) cut the bayonets off of these figures to make a Rifles unit since they would use the sword bayonet.

An inexpensive way to build up a field force quickly. This is one of the their earlier plastic boxes and it is evident in the leaps and bounds with their newer hard plastic boxes.  Though their British metal sculpts are superior in animation this is, all in all though, a good financial deal.


  1. They have turned out really well, good way to build up forces at a decent cost, nice work.

    1. I love hard plastic. People give GW a hard time for their prices (of course their shareholders want to make a profit) but they were the leaders in hard plastic. So far my favorite Perry sets have been their Afghan Tribesmen and Napoleonic Infantry. I'm itching to try their Franco-Prussian sets.

  2. I'm a great fan of the Perrys plastic figures, a box or two is a cheap way of building up forces.

    1. Sorry for the late response (it's a long story). They sure are especially for rank and file troops and tribal infantry.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Ray. They definitely look great at wargaming distance though the arms and rifles were a little fiddly to put together until I figured out some tricks.

  4. Nice work Neil - I think they look just as good as the metal figures, and you definitely cannot argue with the economics of Perry plastic figures!
