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Friday, October 14, 2016

Gordons Then and Gordons Now

One of the great treasures of the digital age for me is to compare how my painting style has changed over the years.  I have painted the Gordon Highlanders several times:  In 15mm for the Napoleonic Wars, in 28mm for the Napoleonic Wars, in 28mm for the Sudan and most recently in 28mm for the Northwest Frontier.  Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of the unit I painted in 15mm as I sold my 15mm Napoleonic Army in the early 2000's but I do have pictures of the others:

The Gordon's I painted for the Napoleonic Wars.  Later I discovered I used the wrong kilt as a pattern.  Oh well. They still fought just as well on the tabletop.  Figures are Wargames Foundry except for the Ensign who is from Front Rank.

After I realized my mistake I renamed them the 79th Cameron Highlanders.  I think I painted these figures in 2004.

The 1st Battalion, Gordon Highlanders painted for the Sudan.  Figures by Perry Miniatures.

 Figures were painted in March 2014.

 The 1st Battalion, Gordon Highlanders painted for the Northwest Frontier.  Command figures from Perry Miniatures and the rank and file from Artizan Designs.

 Figures were finished in September 2016.

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