Most young boys (and some adventurous girls) play with Toy Soldiers; some never stop! I'm proud to say that I am one that never has stopped. Toy Soldiers, painting the figures, history and miniature wargaming is what this site is all about. May the God who gives encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
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Sunday, January 31, 2010
English Civil War Update
Well, we finished the pike block for the first unit of greencoats - and then ran out of modellers glue! In the month of January we had "No buy January." In other words, if it wasn't a necessity (I know this is heresy but gaming isn't) we didn't buy it. Now I have some glue and we will be back in business!
Miniature Wargaming

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Games and Scales I play: Middle Earth. Part 1.
Games Workshop has produced a game, The Battle of Five Armies with the usual Games Workshop method of hooking you into a hobby genre. The rules are best on their excellent Warmaster series. What is great about this boxed miniature game is that it comes with everything you need to recreate the battle: 10 mm sized armies of Dwarves, Wood Elves, Men, Goblins, Wargs, and the Giant Eagles. It also includes the major personalities: Gandalf and Bilbo Baggins, Thorin Oakenshield, Dane of the Iron Hills, The Wood Elf King (Thanduril), Bard of Laketown, The Goblin King and Beorn. What makes this box set even more desireable is the terrain that is included: The sides of Lonely Mountain, The Running River, Thorin's Gate and the ruins of the City of Dale. You can purchase additional units like the Spiders of Mirkwood Forest or the dragon Smaug.
The figures, mountain and ruins do not come painted, but believe or not, I find 10mm figures easy to paint. I don't focus on the individuals (except for personalities or command figures) but focus on painting it as a unit. The focus should be on the "biggest" colors of the unit and also on shields and flags. The river is hard cardboard.
The battle is one of the most play balanced of all time; after about 8 games, but sides have won 4 times. The game usually goes right to the end and will keep you on your toes. Will the goblins overrun the smaller forces? Or will Beorn and the Eagles arrive just in time? The game currently retails for $82.00; I got it on eBay for $50.00.

Thorin Oakenshield behine the improvised wall under Lonely Mountain. If you are playing the good guys, you want to get him in the fight as quickly as possible - adds alot of combat power to friendly units.
The Wood Elf King.
The Goblin King and goblins move through the ruins of Dale.

Monday, January 25, 2010
World War II: The Australians in the Desert
Leftenant Bruce "Outback" Steakhouse leads the 2nd Platoon of Austrailians toward the British supply depot . . . I mean Germans.
Valentine Infantry Tanks led by Colour Sergeant Bruce "Crocodile" Shorts.
"Go that way . . . they're having shrimp on the barbie!"
Flames of War,
Miniature Wargaming,

Thursday, January 21, 2010
Games and Scales I play, Part 10, The Empire

Games Workshop,
Miniature Wargaming,

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