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Sunday, December 27, 2015

More X-Wing

On Christmas Day Honorable Son #3 challenged me to a game of X-Wing.  Since I lost the first game, we played another.  Since I lost the second game - I read the rules for Slave 1 and plotted my revenge while watching a movie!  (BWAH HAH HAH!)

 Wishing I had Slave 1 to go up against Luke in his X-Wing.

Honorable Son #3 was Luke in an X-Wing.

Action on the table. A hex map is not required for the game; it's just the only space-like surface we had.

 The blue cross marker means Luke has targeted an enemy ship . . . 

  . . . and here is the ship that is targeted.  In addition the Tie Fighter has a stress marker for conducting a highly, well, stressful maneuver.

 Pweh! Pweh! Pweh! Pweh!

 Nicely detailed, painted ships come with the game.

 Pweh! Pweh! Pweh! Pweh!

 Here is when Honorable Son #4 almost was blown into cosmic dust.  He accidentally turned into the pursuing Tie Fighters and then tried to kick in the after burners.

I had both of my Tie Fighters flanking him with bonus shots for being in close range!  Of course, all six laser blasts missed.

 Another one bites the dust! Kablamo!

 An example of the detail in the X-Wing.


  1. Looks like fun...I've been following Rob's ( repainting and conversion work on these and I'm sorely tempted!


    1. It is a fast, fun game that recreates all of the great space battles of the movies. I am planning on getting more ships and eventually the big ship game.

  2. I, too, have been sorely tempted. My own kiddos would love to play this. Also, Miracle is my favorite movie: a worthy addition to any video library.

  3. Great looking game and awesome head protection too!

    1. I usually play better with headgear but this time it did not work.

  4. What game were the hex-maps from? They look strangely familiar!
