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Friday, June 17, 2011

Perry Platic Ansar for the Sudan almost here!

Michael Perry of Perry Miniatures writes:

The plastic Mahdist Ansar are almost here! So if you like, you can pre-order them. They will be available mid-late July.

Mahdist Ansar box art

The box contains 40 Mahdist Ansar, who fought the Eygptians and British between 1881-1885. They include command, six flags, info and painting guide, plus sand-colored unit bases. They're designed to be assembled as Beja tribesmen ('Fuzzy Wuzzies', early or late war) or the Kordofan and Nile Arabs, although customers might be able to use them for other Northern African peoples.

Beja tribesmen

Heads and arms are separate, as are shields. There are options for rifleman as well as spears, sword and 'throw-stick' arms.

Kordofan Arabs

They are hard-plastic 28mm.

I Think I have set a New Record!

Unfortunately, it's a record that I am not proud of! I think I have set a new record for the longest I have taken to paint 8 figures and one horse. I think I started the Anhalt Regiment back in March. Between the tornado and preparations for Honorable Son #1's wedding, the Emperor's deployment schedule . . . I mean painting schedule, has fallen of a bit. As a reminder, they will be mounted on a brigade stand, 3" x 3" for the game Volley and Bayonet.

Anyway . . . I did manage to put some more details on the unit. I think I might highlight the jackets with a lighter green - I haven't decided if the jackets are too dark for the gaming table. Contemporary accounts do describe that the jackets were dark, but I don't want the color of the jackets to look too dark.

As a reminder, just click of the picture for a larger view!

I'm not pleased with how the drummer is turning out. During research, I discovered that the drummer's jackets had "swallow nests" on the shoulders trimmed with white lace, and I had an extra drummer that had the swallow nests. I had already started painting a drummer for the unit that had the French 1812 drummer's jacket. It's looking okay . . . but not my best work.

I really like the French mounted regimental officer that I choose to lead the Anhalt regiment. With the single breasted jacket and the smooth animation of the figure, it is going to be a nice addition to the unit as a whole.