I had a plan this year and for the most part I stuck to it (okay, I added some projects). The only thing I did not finish are two element of cavalry for my Dux Bellorum King Arthur army.
Here was the plan for 2016 and Hooray for me and a pat on the back!
1. My English Civil War Infantry are now complete as are were some extra command figures:
A momentous occasion as Phase 3 of the English Civil War project is
complete. I now have 14 regiments of foot complete and mounted for Victory Without Quarter.
Lord Leven will be a "generic" Scottish brigade commander and
currently will command the Irish Brigade of Montrose's Scottish Royalist
army. Figure mounted for my favorite ECW rules Victory Without Quarter.
a. Scotland Yard:
The world's greatest consulting detective and his able companion the
doctor have their hand's full battling for Queen and country. The most
famous police force in the world, Scotland Yard is here to help.
b. Imperial Chinese Army.
Gulwalgiya Ronglu is a Manchu statesman and general of the Chinese Imperial Army.
Tarzan and his fierce Waziri companions with Jane Porter in the background.
d. Sikh Rifle Company:
A close-up of the Maxim MG from Copplestone with the Artizan Designs infantry protecting their left flank.
e. Highlander Rifle Company:
The Gordan Highlanders while stationed in India went on to serve in various
foreign campaigns including The Relief of the Chitral Expedition 1895
and the Tirah Campaign of 1897 - 1898.
f. Various Characters:
Huzzah! Professor Nightingale is rescued (again) by our heroic ladies.
Ranjit Singh, Lady Rachel and Colonel Armstrong.
A new adventure?

"It was some time before the health of my friend Mr.
Sherlock Holmes recovered from the strain caused by
his immense exertions in the spring of '87. The whole question of the Netherland-Sumatra Company and of the
colossal schemes of Baron Maupertuis are too recent in the minds of the
public . . ."
"I'm the Doctor. I'm a
Time Lord. I'm from the planet Gallifrey in the Constellation of
Kasterborous. I'm 903 years old, and I'm the man who's gonna save your
lives and all six billion people on the planet below. You got a problem
with that?"
3. Dux Bellorum. I did finish the British-Romano infantry but I need to finish the last stand of Riders and Mounted Skirmishers:
Shieldwall Infantry for Arthur's army.
4. The Men Who Would be Kings.
a. Anglo-Zulu War:
Men of Harlech, march to glory,
Victory is hov'ring o'er ye,
Bright-eyed freedom stands before ye,
Hear ye not her call?
Victory is hov'ring o'er ye,
Bright-eyed freedom stands before ye,
Hear ye not her call?
b. Second Afghan War:
The Mountain Gun and Crew (Indian) from Artizan Designs.
5. Dragon Rampant bonus! I love this game.
The fairest of them all and her seven companions take on the dragon rampaging through the kingdom.
The Three Hunters cutting their way through the bad boys in black!
6. Games, games and more games! Here are some highlights:
The Roopkund Lake Incident?
Six Regiments of Foot make for an impressive battle line and "battalia."
Pwew! Pwew! Pwew!
Meanwhile in Darkest Africa . . .
The Chinese rush into the annex through the rubble of the door.
WHO is the mysterious caretaker is in an adjacent room that the Chinese
are trying to find?
"What the . . . ?" Yi Niu, greatest swords woman of China, discovers a strange structure as she races ahead as the vanguard of General Raglan's company.
"Huzzah!" proclaims Professor Nightingale in celebration of
Gertrude Bell discovering another lost city. "I'll drink to that", says
Private Hook.