If you are going to have an epic battle, you might as well have some epic Commanders along for the ride:
Most young boys (and some adventurous girls) play with Toy Soldiers; some never stop! I'm proud to say that I am one that never has stopped. Toy Soldiers, painting the figures, history and miniature wargaming is what this site is all about. May the God who gives encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
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Monday, July 29, 2024
The Battle of Oberbratwurst: The Commanders

Thursday, July 25, 2024
The Battle of Oberbratwurst: Our BIG (for us anyway) Volley and Bayonet Game
The French will be commanded by Honorable Son #2 and the Bavarian Army will be commanded by Honorable Son #3.
Here is the order of battle for the French and Bavarians using Volley and Bayonet:
Field Marshall Tallard (Army Commander)
Reserve Ex=2
Garde Francaise M7 [ ] [ ] [ ]
Marquis de Clerambault (Wing Commander) Ex=12
Regt Royal Italien M5 [ ] [ ]
Regt Picardie M5 [ ] [ ]
Regt Greder (German) M5 [ ] [ ]
Regt Rochembeau M5 [ ] [ ]
Regt Soissonais M5 [ ] [ ]
Regt Grancey M5 [ ] [ ]
Regt La Raimbuiere M5 [ ] [ ]
Regt St. Germain M5 [ ] [ ]
Regt Lorraine M5 [ ] [ ]
Dismounted Dragoons M4 [ ] [ ]
Fr Field #1 M5 [ ] [ ]
Fr Heavy #1 M5 [ ] [ ]
Comte de Zurlauben (Cavalry Commander) Ex=4
Gendarmes M7 [ ] [ ] [ ]
Regt de Roi M5 [ ] [ ]
Regt Commissaire-General M5 [ ] [ ]
Duc d’ Humeries (Cavalry Commander) Ex=3
Regt Villeroy M5 [ ] [ ]
Regt Orleans M5 [ ] [ ]
Dragoon Regt Boufflers M5 [ ] [ ]
Elector Max II Emanuel of Bavaria (Army Commander) Monarch
Reserve column Ex=2
Regt Piedmont M5 [ ] [ ]
Converged Grenadier Regt M5 [ ] [ ]
Marquis de Blainville Ex=7
Dillon's Irish Regiment M6 [ ] [ ]
Regt Reynold (Swiss) M6 [ ] [ ]
Regt Normandie M5 [ ] [ ]
Regt Sillery M5 [ ] [ ]
Regt Bearn M5 [ ] [ ]
Fr Field #2 M5 [ ] [ ]
Fr Field #3 M5 [ ] [ ]
Count d’Arco (Cavalry Wing Commander) Ex=7
Regt Fiennes M5 [ ] [ ]
Regt FitzJames (Irish) M5 [ ] [ ] f
Regt Colonel-General M5 [ ] [ ] f
Regt Heudincourt M5 [ ] [ ] f
Dragoon Regt Dauphin M5 [ ] [ ]
Regt Wolframsdorff Kuirassiers M5 [ ] [ ]
Regt Arco Kuirassiers M5 [ ] [ ]
Marquis de Maffei (Bavarian Wing Commander) Ex=8
LeibRegiment M6 [ ] [ ]
Regt Lutzenberg M5 [ ] [ ]
Regt Kurprinz M5 [ ] [ ]
Regt Spilberg M5 [ ] [ ]
Regt Tattenback M5 [ ] [ ]
Regt Bettendorf M5 [ ] [ ]
Regt Maffey M5 [ ] [ ]
Regt Haxthausen M5 [ ] [ ]
And now, the Grand Alliance . . .
John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough (Army Commander)
Army Artillery, Colonel Blood
Eng Field #1 M5 [ ] [ ]
Dutch Field #1 M5 [ ] [ ]
General Charles Churchill (General of Foot)
LTG Lord John Cutts (Wing Commander) Ex=11
1st Foot Guards M7 [ ] [ ] *pf
Scots Regiment of Fusiliers M6 [ ] [ ] pf
North and Grey's Regiment M6 [ ] [ ] pf
Queen's Regiment M6 [ ] [ ] pf
Gardes Te Voet (Blue Guard) M7 [ ] [ ] *pf
Regt Welderen M5 [ ] [ ]
Regt Brandenburg M5 [ ] [ ]
Colyer's Scottish Regiment M6 [ ] [ ] pf
Murray's Scottish Regiment M6 [ ] [ ] pf
MG the Prince of Holstein-Beck Ex=5
Regt Beinheim M5 [ ] [ ]
Regt Van Bulow M5 [ ] [ ]
Regt Van Waes M5 [ ] [ ]
Tatton's Regiment M5 [ ] [ ]
Portmore's Scottish Regiment M5 [ ] [ ]
Erbprinz of Hesse-Kessel (General of Horse) Ex=6
Cadogan's Horse M5 [ ] [ ] eds
Lumley's Horse M5 [ ] [ ] eds
Sachsen-Heilburg Horse M5 [ ] [ ]
d'Obdam Horse M5 [ ] [ ]
Royal Scottish Dragoons (Scots Greys) M6 [ ] [ ] d
Royal Regiment of Dragoons M5 [ ] [ ] ns/d
Prince Eugene of Savoy, Imperial Army (Army Commander)
Aus Field #1 M5 [ ] [ ]
Danish Light M5 [ ] [ ]
Imperial Infantry Corps, Prince of Anhalt-Dessau (Wing Commander) Ex=9
Prince Carl Regt (Danish) M5 [ ] [ ]
Prince George Regt (Danish) M5 [ ] [ ]
Livgarde Til Fods (Danish) M5 [ ] [ ]
Prince George Regt #2 (Danish) M5 [ ] [ ]
Regt Konigsegg M5 [ ] [ ]
Regt Alt-Salm M5 [ ] [ ]
Regt Wallis M5 [ ] [ ]
Prince Maximillan Grenadiers M5 [ ] [ ]
Converged Grenadiers M5 [ ] [ ]
Imperial Cavalry Corps, LTG v. Natzmer Ex=5
Lobkowitz Kuirassiers M5 [ ] [ ]
Alt-Hanover Kuirassiers M5 [ ] [ ]
Darmstadt Kuirassiers M5 [ ] [ ]
Bayreuth Dragoons M5 [ ] [ ]
Prinz Eugene Dragoons M5 [ ] [ ]
Next up, the commanders.

Monday, July 22, 2024
Nikola Tesla

Thursday, July 18, 2024
A Giant of a Heroine: Annie Christmas
From Sam's Journal: Nick's back from following a lead in Louisiana. I don't care for Louisiana because of a case Charlie and I did there . . . too many bad memories and too many unexplained answers - and that was the clue. Now if we can get Annie Christmas to help . . . and she doesn't trust outsiders.
A surprising figure and character included with Unmatched Adventures: Tales to Amaze is the inclusion of Annie Christmas (also known as Flatboat Annie), a character in the folklore and tall tales of Louisiana. Annie is described as a 7 feet (2.1 m) tall, supernaturally strong African-American woman keelboat captain.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024
A Golden Age Hero: Doctor Jill Trent, Science Detective
Dr. Jill Trent will be showing up in upcoming adventures but first she has to survive the solo/cooperative game Unmatched Adventures: Tales to Amaze.

Monday, July 8, 2024
Second Quarter Update for 2024: Plan, what plan?
3). Financing the search by making a "movie"; figures from Pulp Figures (are we starting to see a pattern?). I love this set! [I'm reading the free down load rules for Pulp Alley! and a director figure is very important!]
7). The Movember Men. Each November Bob Murch of Pulp Figures sculpts a special figure to promote Men's Health that he will provide for any donation to the link on the Pulp Figures website. Past figures are still available and these gentlemen may show up in the search!
5. New Discovery: The Unmatched Series of games. I like the trend of hybrid miniature board games and the Unmatched games have some great figures for the game and very useful for the table top. I have finished Houdini and I am working on 13 more figures before I shift over to the Indian Army: