Points: 59
Most young boys (and some adventurous girls) play with Toy Soldiers; some never stop! I'm proud to say that I am one that never has stopped. Toy Soldiers, painting the figures, history and miniature wargaming is what this site is all about. May the God who gives encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
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Saturday, January 29, 2022
Subtropical Sea-louse!
Points: 59

Tuesday, January 25, 2022
Not a Good Start to the Hobby Year

Friday, January 21, 2022
High Elf General and Bodyguard for Dragon Rampant

Tuesday, January 18, 2022
Imperial Russian Steam Walker Tsarina Maria and Tsar Alexander
The color I used for wet brushing was Citadel Ironbreaker (or whatever the color is called now). All of the other paints I used are Vallejo unless specifically stated.
I then painted the viewing port (?) and what I'm calling the machine gun openings Dark Prussian Blue. Once it was dry I went over it with a blast from the past I bought in Germany in 1987, GW Blue Wash!
I then painted the rivets and bolts and ball bearings, etc. Brass.
I finished the painted by adding some Dark Blue, Sky Blue and then White to the ports to just give it some extra "reflection" effect.
Once that is dry, I add some splotches of white glue randomly, mix it with water and then dip the base in static grass. I wait about 30 minutes and then spray with a matt or flat protective covering.

Saturday, January 15, 2022
Second Native Mohegan American Native Unit for the French and Indian War
These great figures are from North Star's Muskets and Tomahawk range of figures. This pack is Indian Warriors 2 and can be found at this link on North Star's Website or if you are in the United States you can get them from Brigade Games.
I now have 12 Mohegan figures which will give me flexibility with their deployment in my preferred rules Rebels and Patriots (Paid Link); two units of skirmishers or a Regular sized Native Warband. Depending on the force composition and scenario they will also either be Veterans or Aggressive. For my Native Forces I have chosen to mount them with the alternative 3, 2, 1 basing method for Rebels and Patriots (Paid Link) instead of mounting them all individually. With some slightly larger bases, it gives me a free hand in making them look more like vignettes of actual Mohegans in action. If you want to see the other Mohegan unit just click here: Native Mohegan American Native Unit for the French and Indian War.
The Mohegans are a Native American tribe historically based in present-day Connecticut; the majority are associated with the Mohegan Indian Tribe, a Federally recognized tribe living on a reservation in the eastern upper Thames River valley of south-central Connecticut.
The Mohegans were allies of the British Colonists and supported the British war effort during the French and Indian War as scouts and skirmishers. Eventually an entire company of Mohegans was organized and became part of Roger's Rangers (Rogers hired men solely on merit and shocked regular commanders with his use of Indians and freed slaves).

Thursday, January 13, 2022
Frederic Villiers
Another correspondent for The Men Who Would be Kings (Paid Link) is Frederic Villiers (23 April 1851 – 5 April 1922), was a British war artist and war correspondent. Along with William Simpson and Melton Prior, Villiers was one of the most notable 'special' artists of the later 19th century. He may have been the model for the Kipling war-artist character, Dick Heldar in The Light that Failed.
In 1898, he was one of the artists sent to cover the campaign in Sudan which culminated at Battle of Omdurman. Villiers brought along an early cine-camera and was filming when an explosion caused the boat to rock in the Nile River, tipping over the apparatus. His other campaigns included the Boer War where he accompanied the Kimberley Relief Column.
The Frederic Villiers figure is from Perry Miniatures SU4 Newspaper Correspondents pack.