The Mark VI, Number 3 of the 1st Armoured Engineer Squadron, moves forward with the 14th Sikhs through the town of Tantrapur during the First Thuggee Uprising.
The Medium Mechanized Walker Mark VI Agamemnon class, more commonly referred to as the "Bulldog" by the army, first proved its worth in its baptism of fire during the First Thuggee Uprising (The Gunga Din War) in 1891. Operated and maintained by the Royal Engineers, with the exception of the Household cavalry, the Agamemnon Walker is operated by one "steersman". In the Royal Engineers, they are nicknamed "Doggies" and in the Household cavalry they are referred to as "Blood hounds."
The Agamemnon Class "Bulldog".
The "Bulldog" has impressive armor coupled with all terrain movement that moves faster than the average soldier in combat. Armed with a machine gun and steam fist, the Agamemnon class has proven itself more than a match to the most deadly opponeets of the Empire.
I had a lot of fun kit bashing this medium mechanized walker. The main part of the walker is an old Games Workshop plastic Tau battle suit, a claw from an old GW Space Marine (now called Epic 40K) Ork vehicle, an extra head from a leftover Perry miniature, some cardboard tubing, and a 40K Space Marine shoulder pad for the hatch. Save those bits! The steam coming out of the pipe is from a regular cotton ball.