One thing I like about the hard plastics is the ability to paint some of the more awkward parts, like scabbards and other accessories, on the sprues before adding them. It definitely makes the painting a lot easier. Here I have painted the dragoon's muskets and scabbards on the sprues.
Most young boys (and some adventurous girls) play with Toy Soldiers; some never stop! I'm proud to say that I am one that never has stopped. Toy Soldiers, painting the figures, history and miniature wargaming is what this site is all about. May the God who gives encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
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Sunday, September 26, 2010
Perry French Dragoons - WIP #5
One thing I like about the hard plastics is the ability to paint some of the more awkward parts, like scabbards and other accessories, on the sprues before adding them. It definitely makes the painting a lot easier. Here I have painted the dragoon's muskets and scabbards on the sprues.

Saturday, September 25, 2010
Perry French Dragoons - WIP #4
1. Primed black on the sprues.
2. Skin: Dark Flesh, then Dwarf flesh with a highlight of Elf Flesh.
3. Jackets: Dark Angels Green highlighted with Snot Green (yeah, I love the names too). Facing color is Blazing Orange and the buttons are White.
4. Coveralls: Adeptus Battlegray highlighted with Codex Gray.
5. Helmets: Dry brush metal with Shining Gold. Crest is Black lightly dry brushed with Codex Gray. Fur is Scorched Brown.
6. Gloves: Bestial Brown then wet brushed with Bone White and then White.

Saturday, September 18, 2010
Perry French Dragoons - WIP #3

Monday, September 6, 2010
Perry French Dragoons - WIP #2

Milhaud was small in stature but well proportioned although he possessed no outstanding physical strength. He was an expert horseman and always seemed to have a fierce determined facial expression and was a committed revolutionary
His military career really got started when he joined the 14e Chasseurs-a-Cheval with the rank of capitaine on 9 May 1793. He became Chef-de-Brigade of the 5e Regiment du Dragons in January 1796 and joined l'Armee d'Italie where he remained until the end of 1797.
He was with l'Armee d'Angleterre during 1798 and 1799 and served as Commandant at the Palais du Luxembourg during the 18e Brumaire and followed this by being appointed Chef d'Etat Major to General Joachim Murat at Saint Cloud in November of 1799. On 5 January 1800, he was promoted to General-de-Brigade.
In October 1805, he was given a brigade comprising the 16e and 22e Chasseurs-a-Cheval in General Frederic-Henri Walther's 2e Division des Dragons. His regimental commanders were Colonel Antoine-Jean-Auguste-Henri Durosnel and Colonel Marie- Victor-Nicolas de Latour Maubourg.
He was present at Austerlitz, where his squadrons harried the Austrian Artillery who were seeking to damage the French occupying the plateau of the Pratzen Heights.
On 1 January 1806, he was appointed to succeed the wounded General Pierre Margaron in command of the Cavalerie Legere in Soult's IV Corps where his command comprised the 8e Regiment des Hussards under Colonel Jean-Baptiste Deban de Laborde together with the 11e and 26e Chasseurs-a-Cheval under Colonel Jean-Baptiste-Nicolas Jacquinot and Colonel Alexandre-Elisabeth-Michel Digeon respectively.
In September, he took over a brigade made up of 1er Hussards under Colonel Rouvillois – this officer has not so far been traced and research continues – and the 13e Chasseurs-a-Cheval under the 37 year old Colonel, Jean-Baptiste Demengeot.
Milhaud was promoted to General-de-Division and on the same day, 30 December 1806, took command of the 3e Division des Dragons which consisted of six regiments, the 5e, 8e, 9e, 12e, 16e and 23e succeeding the General Marc-Antoine Bonin de la Boniniere Beaumont. It was during 1806 that Napoleon congratulated Milhaud on both his service record and the overall turnout of his command.
He was present at Eylau then, on the 16 February 1807 Milhaud's command was surprised by a marauding, relatively small band of Cossacks who inflicted considerable damage and casualties, before being driven off. Milhaud was furious with his regiments' performance and complained to Murat that they had disgraced themselves and that he was ashamed to be associated with them. They subsequently went into winter quarters, during which time Milhaud had them drilled day and night.
In March of 1808, Milhaud was decorated as Comte de l'Empire and awarded a pension of 30,000 francs drawn on the reserves of Westphalia. During this period he also bought himself an apartment in the exclusive Quai Voltaire, a very fashionable district of the Paris
On 7 September, his division joined l'Armee d'Espagne where his four Regiments des Dragons and an artillery company were attached to le Marechal Soult's IV Corps. Here Milhaud met with more success, inflicting a series of defeats over the Spanish, under the command of 49 year old General Joachim Blake, who was a soldier of Irish descent.
Milhaud was also a strong disciplinarian and punished severely those who stepped out of line. He would even execute those found guilty of rape, theft, arson, and other serious crimes.
In June 1812, Milhaud became Commandant de la 25e Division Militaire at Wesel in Germany. He took part in the Russian Campaign of the same year, but held no specific command – he became, for a short period, Military Commandant in Moscow under le Marechal Mortier.
Following Pajol's terrible wounds suffered at Wachau, command of the 5e Corps des Cavalerie was handed to Milhaud on 11 November. Under Marshal Victor, he was present at Sainte Croix, Saint Dizier, Brienne, la Rothiere, Mormant, Troyes, and Saint Dizier again.
He was made Chevalier de Saint Louis, just one of 56 of Napoleon's senior commanders to be so honoured by the returning Bourbon Monarch. He then acquired by auction, a substantial property at Saint Maure Defarse on 28 September 1814, for 100,000 francs.
It was about this time that he felt some discomfort as he was denounced as a regicide having been implicated in the death of Louis XVI, but le duc de Berry spoke out on his behalf.
The Emperor approached Milhaud and placed him in command of the 4e Corps de Cavalerie which totalled some 2,800 sabres and comprised eight cuirassier regiments and two batteries of artillerie-a-cheval, with a total of twelve guns. During the Campaign of 1815, Generals Dubois, Travers, Delort, Farine du Creux as well as Milhaud himself, were all wounded. In addition Milhaud's Chef d'Etat Major, Colonel Victor-Frederic Baron Chasseriau was among those killed.
Most commentators suggest that it was Ney who lost his head and ordered the cavalry to charge. Milhaud, Delort and General Guyot of the Grenadiers-a-Cheval were among those who were opposed to the order but could do nothing about it.
After peace had been restored, Milhaud found that there was considerable pressure on him to retire, and worse, his pensions severely cut by over 75 per cent. He was to be removed from Legion d'Honneur and an act was passed that regicides were to be exiled and their assets confiscated. He fell on hard times and had to sell his large property at Saint Maur in favour of a smaller residence.
The highly controversial but talented soldier died at Aurillac on the 8 January 1833, at the age of 66.
I was unable to find any images of Milhaud (or the English version Milhoud) so the figure is pure conjecture. I have found some images for generals in dragoon uniform, so I am using them as a basis. Below is the completed figure:And now on his base for Volley and Bayonet:
Meanwhile, progress is made on the first brigade with orange facings. I need to do some research to determine which regiment to paint.

Saturday, September 4, 2010
Perry French Dragoons - WIP

Here is what the sprues look like:
The box also comes with plenty of hard plastic bases, a painting guide for all of the dragoon regiments and two 1812 version flags for the 2nd and 7th Dragoons.
What to start on? Many times I will add units just to add some color to the battlefield. I've been building my armies for the rule set Volley and Bayonet which is designed for grand tactical play. Each 3" x 3" stand in the Napoleonic period represents a brigade; I usually mount 3 cavalry figures per stand. With the box set, this will give me 4 Brigades which can usually be deployed as two divisions. The dragoon regiments had various facing colors depending on which number (and which year!) they were. Virtually ever dragoon regiment served in the Peninsular campaign so I am going to do a unit with orange facings, yellow facings, pink facings and red facings. The unit with the red facings will get brown coats, made with local fabric in Spain.
The first 3 horses. One thing I like is that the cartridge box for the mounted dragoon is already on the horse. When the figure is placed in the saddle, the cartridge box looks like it is on the dragoon's belt - and it makes it easier to paint!
As I mentioned earlier there are 13 mounted figures; what should I do with the extra figure? Time to take the officer figure and convert him into a General officer to lead the Dragoon division. I took the officer upper body piece and carefully trimmed off the epaulette that designates the figure as a company officer. By adding an arm for one of the elite company figures, I now have given the figure two epaulettes designating him as a senior officer. Now to add some putty to give a general officer sash. Gotta love the ease of converting hard plastic figures.
As a General a' Division, he will have a gold sash with red weaved into the sash.

Finally Finished the British Foot Guards!