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Saturday, June 15, 2024

Warlord Games 28mm Fallschirmjäger Squad

I have painted various manufactures Fallschirmjäger such as Black Tree though I have not tried Artizan Design yet (love painting their figures of different periods). I found a good deal on eBay for a Fallschirmjäger Starter Army with the plastic Warlord Games Fallschirmjäger.  I took one look at the sprue for the figures and my mind literally went blank - no doubt you can really individualize your unit but for me their were just too many options. So I found on eBay the Fallschirmjäger Squad blister pack in metal which is sadly out of production. These are great metal sculpts from Warlord Games. They do have a new metal squad that incorporates some of the older figures below with some new random figures including a pretty cool MG42 LMG.  Here is the older Fallschirmjäger squad blister pack:


  1. Nice work on some very nice figures.

    1. Thanks Donnie. I particularly like the trooper with the Panzerfaust.

  2. They look good Neil and I get your reaction to the plastic box sets - some of them allow a bit too much customization!

    1. That’s for sure! I could not get my head wrapped around as there were too many options.
