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Monday, June 17, 2024

The Search for Charlie Episode 1.10: The Batman Gets a Base Upgrade

I was goofing around and discovered and new (at least to me) scenic company that had some really great accessories to include a variety of pre-painted bases in many sizes and types (urban, desert, forest, spaceship corridors, etc.). The company is called Gamers Grass and in addition to bases they have great looking tufts, laser cut vegetation, basing bits - well, quite a lot that a lazy gamer like me does not like to build.

Though a little bit on the pricey side at $19.99 USD, the ten 28mm bases look great and I wanted to rebase some of my Pulp genre figures instead of making my own urban bases.

Since my Pulp Batman figures is a converted HeroClix plastic figure glued to a wood Litko base with white glue, I knew it would come off the base easily. I carefully used my hobby knife to get the figure off the old base, and with a little super glue, added it to the new base.

A bad picture of the original base and figure as a WIP.

Dang! Until I took these pictures I did not realize that The Batman's mouth and mask need to be fixed!

But the base looks good!

"I am the night."


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! I’ve been getting more into Pulp these days.

  2. I agree with your summary Neil - the bases are quite pricey, but the end result may be worth it, as long as you are not looking to base 150 + figures!

    1. Yeah. These will only go to special skirmish game figures!
