Finally played the Battle of Friedchikun which is based on the Battle of Friedlingen scenario from The Volley and Bayonet page which was fought between the French and Imperial Forces on October 14th, 1702. The French are commanded by Honorable Son #2 with yours truely commanding two of the French Infantry Divisions. Honorable Son #4 is commanded the Imperials. Most units in the order of battle were not actually at the real battle - those are the units that I have painted. First the Imperial Army:
Markgraf Ludwig Wilhelm von Baden-Baden AC
Left (Infantry) Wing, 1st Line. Feldzugmeister Graf K. E. von Furstenberg-Mosskirch DC Exhaustion=5
- Inf Regt Alt Salm M6 [ ] [ ]
- Inf Regt Wallis M5 [ ] [ ]
- Inf Regt D’Arnant M5 [ ] [ ]
- Dragoon Regt Prinz Eugene M5 [ ] [ ]
- Field Artillery Bty M5 [ ] [ ]
Left (Infantry) Wing, 2nd Line. Feldmarschallleutnant Graf P. von Furstenberg-Stuhlingen DC Exhaustion=4
- Inf Regt Prince George M5 [ ] [ ]
- Inf Regt Wallon M6 [ ] [ ]
- Inf Regt Konigsegg M5 [ ] [ ]
Centre (Reserve) Column. Feldmarschalleutnant Graf Arco DC and Feldmarschalleutnant Graf Erffa DC Exhaustion=4
- Maximillian Converged Grenadiers M6 [ ] [ ] g
- Converged Grenadiers M6 [ ] [ ] g
- Bayreuth Dragoons M5 [ ] [ ]
- Field Artillery Bty M5 [ ] [ ]
- Field Artillery Bty M5 [ ] [ ]
Right (Cavalry) Wing, 1st Line. Feldmarschalleutnant Furst von Hohenzollern DC Exhaustion=3
- Kuirassiere Regt Lobkiwitz M6 [ ] [ ]
- Kuirassiere Regt Alt-Hanover M6 [ ] [ ]
- Austrian Dragoon Regt Sachsen-Heilburg M5 [ ] [ ]
Right (Cavalry) Wing, 2nd Line. Feldmarschalleutnant Baron von Stauffenberg DC Exhaustion=3
- Kuirassiere Regt Darmstadt M6 [ ] [ ]
- Kuirassiere Regt Cusanin M6 [ ] [ ]
- Dragoon Regt d’Odom M5 [ ] [ ]
Detached Garrisons
- Baden-Durlach Militia Bn in Sternschanze M4 [ ] m/sk
- Baden-Durlach Militia Bn in Schloss Friedlingen M4 [ ] m/sk
Lt Genl Marquis de Villars AC
Detached Garrisons
- Regt La Marche (part) on the Schusterinsel M5 [ ] sk
- Regt La Marche (part) on the Schusterinsel M5 [ ] sk
- Schusterinsel Battery (field guns) M5 [ ]
Left (Cavalry) Wing, 1st Line. Genl Comte de Magnac DC Exhaustion=4
- French Cavalry Bde Heudincourt M5 [ ] [ ]
- French Cavalry Bde Vileroy M5 [ ] [ ]
- French Cavalry Bde Colonel-General M5 [ ] [ ]
- French Cavalry Bde Fiennes M5 [ ] [ ]
- Artillery Bty 1 M5 [ ] [ ]
- Artillery Bty 2 M5 [ ] [ ]
- Artillery Bty 3 M5 [ ] [ ]
Left (Cavalry) Wing, 2nd Line. Lt Genl Marquis de Merde-Tete DC Exhaustion=4
- French Dragoon Bde Boufflers M4 [ ] [ ] d
- French Dragoon Bde Royal M4 [ ] [ ] d
- French Dragoon Bde Dauphin M4 [ ] [ ] d
- Converged Grenadiers M6 [ ] [ ] g
Centre (Reserve) Column. Colonel le Comte de Robecq DC Exhaustion=3
- Regt Germain M5 [ ] [ ] [ ]
- Regt Grancey M5 [ ] [ ] [ ]
Right (Infantry) Wing, 1st Line. Lt Genl des Bordes DC Exhaustion=7
- Regt Sillery M5 [ ] [ ] [ ]
- Regt Reynold M5 [ ] [ ] [ ]
- Regt Bearn M5 [ ] [ ] [ ]
- Regt Soissonais M4 [ ] [ ] [ ]
Right (Infantry) Wing, 2nd Line. Lt Genl a Plombe DC Exhaustion=7
- Regt Greder M5 [ ] [ ] [ ]
- Regt Rochembeau M5 [ ] [ ] [ ]
- Regt Normandie M5 [ ] [ ] [ ]
- Regt Picardie M5 [ ] [ ] [ ]
All Infantry on Linear stands on both sides have dedicated guns.
The objective for the Imperial Army is simple: Stop the French from getting either to the bridge or the other road behind the small town of Friedchikun. We decided that the game would be 8 turns in length and that the French, as the attackers, would go first.
The above is the view of the Austrian lines from the French lines. The Austrian infantry divisions are on their left flank, grenadiers and most artillery in the center, and cavalry on the right. As the Imperial commander, Honorable Son #4 has established a bowl-shaped engagement area to the front of Friedchikun with the cavalry poised to take advantage of any wavering French attacks. The green fault outlines the forested areas.
Crackin game Neil!