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Friday, April 14, 2023

Photo Editing during the LONG MOVE

"It's been quiet since November Colonel Sahib . . . too quiet."

I have been transitioning to my new location and needless to say, with moving the household, I have not been painting or gaming. On the gripping hand, I have been playing with photo editing techniques with my Iphone 13.

Editing for a dramatic look!

 Here is the original picture from the photo above:

The biggest mistake I have made as I was experimenting is not keeping track of the editing I did with each photo though I have general ideas of what I have used. Oh well. A lesson learned for the future. Here are some more examples with the original first followed by an edited version.

10th Bengal Lancers.

It is amazing the differences you can make with some simple cropping, filters, changing of exposure, black point, shadows, etc.; all with some easy to use controls on the phone.

Guarding the gate.

The Meeting of the Minds.

The Last of the Mohicans.

A Lost World.

A Pulp Adventure.

In a galaxy a long time ago and far, far away . . .

Anyway, that's how I've been entertaining myself during the move. It won't be long and I'll be up and running again with more painting, figures, battles and adventures galore! So be prepared for the Eastern Frontier of America, the Northwest Frontier of India, some Pulp Action and a return to Science Fiction gaming.

"What was that sound?"


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks John. They are amazingly easy to paint.

  2. Some excellent images there Neil. Look forward to seeing your blogging (and painting/gaming) re emerge after the move related hiatus!

    1. Thanks and it kept me sorta "hobby" occupied. Looking forward to getting back on the painting table and the gaming table.

  3. Some nice tweaks to the photos! Hopefully you are done settling in to the new domicile and can get some troops on the table soon!

    1. My goal is to start painting again sometime in May and hopefully a game shortly thereafter. I really want to get my Afghan tribesmen finished for the great uprising in 1897.

  4. Nice to have you back, missed your Easter posts this year, but I trust the move has gone well and you well settled now, loving the range of characters and figures in this post!

  5. In the Meeting of the minds, that is a very Sir Patrick Moore figure. Was it based on him do you think? I'm conflicted in my opinions on whether the dramatic effect is better than the original. I like to see the varied colours of uniforms and plain clothes.

    1. That's a good question. I assuming you are referring to "The Colonel" from Artizan. If so, that figure has been out for a while. I think it may have been based on General Roberts as he was known to wear a Poshteen while on campaign. Some of the dramatic effects add to the pictures and some distract. Not to worry, I will always have the original posted when I first display them. Thanks.

    2. Ah! No. It is the Prof Walcot figure. Sir Patrick Moore was a rather eccentric astronomer on the BBC show The Sky at Night. He was 'portly' with a monocle.
