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Monday, March 10, 2025

Ogre: Ground Effect Vehicle

In the year 2085, armored warfare is faster and deadlier than ever. Hovercraft, tanks, and infantry slug it out with tactical nukes. But, the most feared weapon of all needs no human guidance. It's a giant cybernetic tank bristling with guns and missiles.

It's the Ogre.

Ogre has always been one of my favorite games and one of the first games I purchased myself as a young 12 year old. The updated board game version is fantastic and Honorable Son #3 (The Chemical Engineer Aviator) has plastic miniatures to play on the new board game. He asked me if I would paint them (it didn't take long to twist my arm) so I thought I would use just five GW Contrast paints to paint the armored hovercrafts (known as Ground Effect Vehicles or (GEVs) out quickly.

For the basic color of the vehicle I used Contrast Ultramarine and for the cushions Contrast Basilicum Grey. The guns are Contrast Black Templer. For unit identification (not needed but it looks cool) I used Contrast Blood Angel Red and Contrast Nazdreg Yellow. The windshield is Vallejo Sky Blue.

The GEVs are the armored cavalry of the game. They can move, shoot, and move again. As an experienced Mechanized Task Force Commander (I guess those 24 years in the Army paid off) I love to drive my opponents, especially Ogres with hit and run tactics. They can also successfully screen (but take losses) for your heavy tanks and armored infantry.

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