Me, Neil Campbell Reinwald - Colonel of Infantry, US Army.

My brother Shawn Michael Reinwald – Colonel 0f Marines, US Marine Corps.

My youngest brother Brian Robert Reinwald – Colonel of Infantry, US Army.

My dad Neil Campbell Reinwald – Dad was in the Navy serving as a Hospital Corpsman with the Marines. He served in Viet Nam and attained the rank of Petty Officer First Class.

Uncle Royce (Gus) Augustus Reinwald – Royce enlisted for 4 years in the US Army in 1965. He served in the Army Security Agency as a Vietnamese Linguist and was in Viet Nam during 1967. He attained the rank of Sp. 6 and was awarded the Army Commendation Medal.

Grandfather Laverne (Mike) W. A. Reinwald – During WWII, in January of 1942, Mike was issued a permit to depart from the US for 6 Months to Iraq under a War Department contract employed on a Government Defense project. Mike could not enlist in the armed forces because, at that time, they were not drafting older men with families. He very much wanted to help the war effort, and went to Iraq to construct a road on which supplies were hauled to the Soviet Union. The rest of 1942 and through April 1943, he was in both Iraq and Iran and “up North in Arab country” arriving back in the US in the fall of 1943.
Granduncle Royce Robert Reinwald - Royce was 1st Lieutenant, General Staff Field Artillery 93rd Division. He was the Division Artillery Survey Officer. He enlisted 25 April 1941 in Wilks Barre, Pa. and completed officer training school at Ft. Sill, Oklahoma. He died in Oct. 1942 at Fort Bliss, Tx. during training.
1st Cousin 2 Times Removed Charles Wagner Smith - Electricians Mate 1st Class U S Navy during WWII. Lost at sea.
2nd Cousin 2 T. Removed Douglas Neil Wimberley - Major-General Douglas Wimberley CB, DSO, MC was commander of the 51st Highland Division at the Second Battle of El Alamein in WWII and lead the Division across North Africa to Sicily.
2nd Cousin 3 T. Removed Archibald Campbell - A Union soldier who died at the storming of Fort Fisher during the American Civil War. I need to research and find out what regiment he was with.
1st Cousin 3 T. Removed Charles Neil Campbell Wimberley - Colonel, IMS (India Medical Service). He was the father of Major-General Douglas Wimberley.
1st Cousin 2 T. Removed Douglas Wimberley - Captain, late of the 79th Highlanders (entry from my 2nd Great Grandfather's diary).2nd Great Grandfather John Karl Augustus Reinwald - At the beginning of the Civil War, he enlisted as a private in Captain Hugh McDonald's Co. G, 42nd Regiment Pa. Volunteers, the Bucktail Regiment. He enrolled on April 25, 1861 and received a bullet wound in the face at the battle of Turner's Gap, South Mountain on 14 Sept. 1862. His wound caused partial paralysis of the right side of his face and deafness of the right ear. He was discharged from service on March 21, 1863.
1st Cousin 3 T. Removed George Schanbacher - George was killed in the Battle of Malvern Hill during the Civil War. He was in Company D, 106th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers. He enlisted on 21 August 1861 and also fought in the Battle of Fair Oaks.
1st Cousin 3 T. Removed George Schanbacher- Charles was killed in 1862 and was also a member of the 106th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers.2nd Great Uncle Dugald Campbell - "Capped" (became an officer?) in 1855 and sent to India. Officer appointed to the 14th Native Infantry. In 1856 he is stationed in Secundrabad. In reading his brother's diary in an entry from June 1857 (My 2nd Great Grandfather Neil Campbell) he was being sent from Secundrabad to "Sincapore" (Singapore). He anticipated on being sent to China. In a diary entry from April 1858 he received a letter from Dugald that he had been doing a "little" fighting at Shorapoor and is currently attached to two squadrons of Madras Cavalry. Dugald died in India in 1865 from cholera.
2nd Great Uncle Colin Campbell - Brother of Dugald and Neil. During the Santhal Insurection in 1855 he was a civilian who was warned of the uprising my one of his servants. He served as a volunteer fighting insurgents until he joined a volunteer unit at Ramphoor. Received the thanks of the government for his role in helping to aid the Santhal Insurrection. During the Indian Mutiny there is a letter to Neil dated from him on 8 July 1857 and was written from Futtipore which is near Cawnpore where he was still a member of a volunteer force. In speaking of the life he leads - "never slept lighter in my life - always sleep with a couple of pistols under my pillow, a tulwar (saber) convenient to my hand, and a pair of bull terriers chained to my charpoy."
3rd Great Grandfather Neil Campbell - Neil Campbell served 6 years in the British Navy on HMS Texel. He was then appointed a cadet for Bengal in 1808 in the army of the Honorable East India Co. Service (H.E.I.C.S.) and in 1809 went to India in which country he saw 33 years active service. He volunteered with the light company of the 21st Native Infantry Regiment to Kallenger in 1812 when he was in the attack of the outpost of Kallengeree and in the storm and taking of Kallenger. In 1815 & 1816 he was with the army in the invasion of Nepal and in 1825 & 1826, as Captain, served in the siege and assault of Bhurtpore. In 1838 he was commissioned Major, and in 1841 retired from the service.
6th Great Grandfather Claude Middagh - During the Revolutionary War, Claude is listed as a member of the 3rd Regiment Ulster County Militia serving under Col. Hasbrouck.
7th Great Grandfather Joris Jorisse Middagh – Joris served during the Revolutionary War in the 3rd Regiment Ulster County Militia. In Roberts' record of his service his name is Gores Meddagh, Jr.
8th Great Grandfather Joris Arelse Middagh - He was a Captain of Foot Company, Counties of Ulster and Dutchess in the Colonial Militia.
8th Great Grandfather John ‘Beg/Ghear’ Campbell – Possibly died in the Wars of the Covenant about 1645.
8th Great Grandfather John Campbell Z of Loch – Died February 1645 in the Battle of Inverlochy, Inverness-Shire, Scotland.
9th Great Grandfather John Biggs – August 1685 John was commissioned Lieutenant of a Foot Company in Hurley, Marbletown, and Monbaccus, where Thomas Garton was Captain. John is again listed in 1687 among the soldiers of Kingston, as Lieutenant in Capt. Garton's Company.
9th Great Grandfather Patrick Campbell – Died in 1645 at the Battle of Kilsyth, Strathclyde, Scotland.
10th Great Grandfather Matthew Biggs – Matthew came with Sir Richard Nockolls from Worcestershire, England in the expeditionary force dispatched by King Charles and the Duke of York against New Amsterdam in 1664. They were to settle the dispute between England and the Netherlands over control of the colony known as New Amsterdam. The Dutch surrendered to the English forces and New Amsterdam was renamed New York.
10th Great Grandfather George Hall – George was a soldier in the Foot Company in Hurley, Marbletown, and Monbaccus. In August 1685 the Company for Hurley and Marbletown was officered by Capt. Thomas Garton, Lt. John Biggs (George Hall’s son-in-law) and Ensign Charles Broadhead.
10th Great Grandfather Guert Cornelisen NiewKirk – In 1670 Guert is listed in Capt. Henry Pawling's Company of Foot Militia, from Hurley, at the Rendezvous of April 5th of that year.
10th Great Grandfather Samuel Sabin Sr. – Samuel served in King Philip’s War and in the Phips expedition to Quebec in 1690.
11th Great Grandfather Thomas Tracy – In 1637, Thomas was in the Pequot War. In 1663 he was appointed Lieutenant of the forces raise in New London, Connecticut to wage war against the Indians and the Dutch. He was quartermaster in 1675 during the King Phillip's War and was Deputy to the Norwich General Court for several years.
Now I need to gather the information from my Mom's side of the family and my wife's!
I served under Brian in 1988 at Ft Bragg and would like to re-connect with him. Can you provide me his email or give him mine? Brett Burkett
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I also am descended from John Biggs of Marbletown (my mother was his 8th GGD). I have always found that John was the one who came with Niccols in 1664 (I have sources). Also, I have had the 23&me female DNA done and am awaiting results. Have quite a bit on the family gathered over 40 years and will gladly share. I would love to know how John stood so high in Nicolls favor (have you found a list of the soldiers accompanying Nicolls in 1664?). Is the connection between John & his so-called father, Mark, proven anywhere? Its the one link I need. Contact me if you wish at
ReplyDeleteMary Thomason-Morris