Front Rank figures are compatible in size with Wargames Foundry and Perry Miniatures; in fact, I have all three manufacturers in my miniature Napoleonic armies. One of the bonuses in using Front Rank miniatures is the ability to purchase individual figures allowing you to design your units and not end up with extras.
Since I decided to devote more time to finishing my armies for the Empire of France and their opponents in the Peninsular War, those little marching and riding figures need have a general or two to lead them in battle. I purchased Front Rank's the Duke of Wellington, the Earl of Uxbridge, mounted senior officer with bicorne, mounted Highland officer and General Stapleton Cotton.
The figure for Cotton is cast as one piece, rider and horse are one.
Even though this is a very detailed figure of Cotton in the uniform of General officer of Hussars, I found it easy to paint because of the excellent sculpting of the detail (does that make sense?).
Here's how I painted him and all paints are GW; as usual I primed the figure with flat black:
1. Skin. Base coat of Dark Flesh followed by Dwarf Flesh. Highlights with Elf Flesh.
2. Busby (the big furry hat). Base coat of Scorched Brown and then a wet brush of Bestial Brown followed by a dry brush of Snakebite Leather. To finish a light dry brush of Desert Yellow.
3. Busby bag and Sabretache. Base coat of Scab Red and then covered with Blood Red. Highlighted with Red Wash.
4. Pelisse (the Hungarian style jacket over his shoulder), coveralls and blue facings. Base coat of Royal Blue and then Blue Wash watered down. I then highlighted again with Royal Blue.
5. Dolman (the jacket). Same as Busby bag above.
6. Gold Braid and chin scales. Shining Gold highlighted with Mithral silver. The saber and scabbard were painted Mithral silver.
7. The Horse. I tried a new technique this time. I painted the horse completely with Bestial Brown and once it dried, I covered it with Brown Wash. I must say I was pleased with the result. The tail and main were painted Black and then dry brushed with Codex Gray. The tack was also painted black and ever so lightly dry brushed with Codex Gray.
8. Shabraque (the dead animal on the horse - fancy name for horse blanket). Base coat of Bestial Brown and then a dry brush of Snakebite leather with Desert Yellow highlights.
Very nice figure, well painted and interesting break down of the colours.
Thanks for sharing, this fine work will prove very useful for my own attempt to paint it :)