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Monday, September 4, 2023

Afghan Tribal Force Update #11: The first half of Pashtun Tribal Unit #2

Yep. It's the old Warhammer Stone Tower from the early 90's.

As I have mentioned before, I like to paint these Tribal units in 1/2 batches so here are the first 8 for a 16 figure unit for The Men Who Would be Kings. All miniatures are hard plastic and out together from the Perry Miniatures Afghan Tribesmen box.

My Tribal Infantry are my "point them in the right direction and yell charge" fighters for the Northwest Frontier and Afghanistan.

I was particularly happy how the standard bearer turned out as I was not sure I could model and get the flag standard to fit on a runny body - but it worked!


Eight more fighters and 12 more shooters to go and my base force will be complete.