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Monday, October 30, 2023

The Search for Charlie Episode 1.0: Sam's Makeover

"I'm Sam."

Charlie has been missing for almost a year now due to "The Adventure of the Great Move" and I feel real bad about it. He saved my life on more than one occasion and he always had a drink when I needed one. We busted Lo Pan at the Smithsonian when he got hurt real bad. We did our part during the Egyptian Adventure

Posing after "The Egyptian Adventure" when Sam and Charlie learned about inter-dimensional and supernatural beings.

I think someone or something killed him. 

Last known photograph of Charlie.

You know Randolph, when a man's partner is killed he's supposed to do something about it. It doesn't make any difference what you thought of him. He was your partner and you're supposed to do something about it. We are in the detective business. Well, when one of your organization gets killed it's bad business to let the killer get away with it. It's bad all around - bad for that organization, bad for every detective everywhere. I'm going to talk to The Colonel.

Sam and Charlie have been some of my oldest employees in the fight against evil - I hired them away from the Copplestone Castings Agency and they have never let me down. But before I let Sam go on this probable fool's errand, I'm going to send him off looking good with a new makeover - something I haven't done in a long time.

This was going to be tricky since I did not want to rebase Sam. The first think I did was you Vallejo Flat White to paint all over the figure except for Sam's shoes and his face. Sam asked me not to mess with his face because he liked his ugly mug just the way it was.

The trench coat was painted with GW Contrast paint Skeleton Horde.

Sam's fedora was painted with Contrast Snakebite Leather and his trousers with Contrast Black Templar. I also used the Contrast Black Templar for Sam's tie; Sam doesn't like fancy, colorful ties.

The belt and buttons of the trench coat is also Contrast Snakebite Leather and I put some Contrast Snakebite Leather on the shoes as a shade.

The band around the fedora is Contrast Gore Grunta Brown (laughter).

Sam looked real shiny and clean, which would make him stand out in his business. I decided to go back with some water on a brush to lighten the trench coat and have some of the highlights stand out. Once that dried, Sam was given a spray coat of Flat Clear enamel.

Sam looking pretty stylish - I mean intimidating.

Sam is now ready to start his investigation. Maybe he'll have some allies - we know that there will be villains. I feel sorry for the villains that may get in his way.

"I'm going to find Charlie . . . or the villains that did him in."


  1. The new paint scheme looks very effective. Fir his next adventure he may need to rescue Betty Perske!

    1. Thanks Phil. Dang it! Now I have to get a figure for Betty Perske. Thanks again.

  2. Nice refurbishment Neil! And I think I recognise some of that speech about a partner getting killed - rings a bell from an actual Bogart film?? Now, you need figure that looks like Lauren Bacall for the subsequent episodes!

    1. I was at first skeptical about using the Contrast paints to redo Sam but I am really pleased with the way he turned out. The speech is from the novel "The Maltese Falcon" by Dashiell Hammett and Bogie did it word for word in the film of the same name. One of my favorite scenes is when he slaps Peter Lorre around and tells him he'll take it and like it.
