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Friday, June 25, 2021

Experimenting with Making Videos: Tin Tin

Tin Tin, Snowy, and Cora Armstrong boat down the mysterious river.

One of the things I like to do is spread news about our wonderful hobby and think of ways to do so. I have had my students (cadets) refight Shiloh using Fire and Fury, I have used AWI miniatures to recreate Cowpens for my Military History Class, I have taught course on wargaming to middle schoolers using One Hour Wargames. I have even used my figures to teach Sunday School and to talk to our church youth.

So here is another attempt that I have been using on Facebook and now I'm trying on this blog for the first time: A video (really a fancy slide show) of some of miniatures. First up is that adventurous and youthful journalist known as Tin Tin:


  1. Well done Neil, beautiful figures and video...nice tribute!

  2. What an excellent way to tell a story! I hope that you produce more such ‘animations’!

    All the best,


  3. In Flemish, Tintin has a different name. It is Kuifje … which means ‘quiff’.

    All the best,


    1. Dang. A homework assignment. Okay Mr. Google do your stuff. Quiff: a piece of hair, especially on a man, brushed upward and backward from the forehead.
      "a boy with a floppy quiff.” Cool! Thanks Bob.
