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Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Figures of Christmas Past: Reaper Miniatures Santa Claus

 One of their ranges of Reaper Miniatures is Chronoscope; a collection of "generic" miniatures for many Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Wild West, Steampunk and other genres.  There is nothing generic about them.  They are clean sculpts that have nice animation.  One of them is Santa Claus and this is my favorite Santa figure I painted for my mom.

Santa comes with a slotta base and was a joy to paint.  Ho, Ho, Ho.


  1. There is certainly nothing generic about Reaper sculpt...and there is nothing generic about the paint job you have done on this version of Santa wither...he is magnificent!

    1. This is one of my all time favorite figures I have painted.

  2. Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever seen that Santa before, he looks great!
