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Monday, November 6, 2023

The Monstrous Menacing Mechanical Men of Doctor Fu Manchu!

Okay. You’re right. They're Necron Warriors (Copyright Games Workshop, Ltd. 2023 and if you violate our Copyright you will be turned over to the 8th Edition Chaos Lawyers that we keep in the basement).

A long story short, I found the GW Warhammer 40K Fireteam game on the Clearance Shelf at Barnes & Noble for $10 (US). I said to myself, "Self - GET THAT! The game came with 10 Necrons, 3 Canoptek Scarab Swarms (???!!!), 5 Space Marines ("FOR THE EMPEROR - MAY HE SLEEP LONG!), a whole bunch of cool charts, counters, double-sided gaming board, etc. The Necrons alone normally cost $50 (US). Later on I will do a review and game report of Fireteam.

Anyway . . .

"I am a Doctor of Philosophy from Edinburgh, a Doctor of Law from Christ's College and a Doctor of Medicine from Harvard. My friends, out of courtesy, call be Doctor."

Black and white, life and death, good and evil - two sides in a chess game, two forces in the universe - one magnificent, the other sinister. It is said that the devil plays for men's souls; so does Doctor Fu Manchu... Satan himself, evil incarnate. Fu Manchu has always been one of my favorite Pulp villains - and even an updated version in Marvel Films "The Legend of the 10 Rings" added a new twist to the legendary world conqueror. The man himself, and his organization, have mostly been in the background of my games (and I have played loosey -goosey between Victorian Sci Fi and Pulp) maneuvering the pieces like pawns - eliminating rivals and foiling the forces of good. But that may change.

Well the good Doctor has a new evil invention: His Monstrous Menacing Mechanical Men (BWAH HAH HAH!)!

Armed with rudimentary lasers and heavy lasers invented by his team of scientists, his metal horde is ready to rampage as part of his great game for world conquest. Fortunately, they are not very coordinated, can't run and they walk slow. They're actually the Beta Version but production had to be sped up and hopefully the Monstrous Menacing Mechanical Men (BWAH HAH HAH!) version 2.0 won't be ready for the 2024 Pulp Campaign: The Search for Charlie.

A Monstrous Menacing Mechanical Man (BWAH HAH HAH!) armed with a heavy laser powered by the Mysterious Green Mist of Fu Manchu.

I plan on using my new found friends not only in Pulp games but also in my favorite Victorian Sci Fi rules In Her Majesty's Name. I will publish the rules I come up for them in a later post.

"Go ahead and have some fun. Incinerate the spy."

As the sun rises . . . the fall of civilization starts.

So . . . who could possibly stop these mechanical monsters? Hmmm.

To be continued . . . In the Search for Charlie.


  1. Excellent background for the next big Pulp adventure!

    1. I'm getting some pretty good ideas for our "Search for Charlie" 2024 Pulp campaign. I think there will be a little bit of everything.
